Baptism begins our journey of faith. The Church asks us to baptize as soon as possible after the birth of a child. Baptism is often celebrated outside of Mass. Baptism may also be celebrated during Mass. In fact, it is preferred to celebrate baptisms during Mass especially if both parents are Catholic as we have a larger community present to welcome the new child of God. Celebrating Baptism during Mass adds only a few minutes to the Mass.
Preparation for sacraments is highly recommended, encouraged, and mandated by the Catholic Church before the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Marriage, and Holy Orders are celebrated. The Diocese of Sioux City mandates that
“Every parish or group of parishes shall ensure sacramental preparation for parents prior to the baptism of each child. Godparents may also be encouraged to participate. Good pastoral discretion is to be used for appropriate catechesis for parents with a child born soon after the baptism of a sibling.” The Diocese recommends that parents may be excused from baptism preparation if they have taken part in preparation for the baptism of a sibling within one to two years prior to the baptism of their new child.
Parents expecting a child are expected to attend the Baptism Class offered the 3rd Thursday of odd-numbered months. Parents who have taken part in preparation for the baptism of a sibling within five years prior to the baptism of their new child are excused but should notify the pastor of the pending birth and baptism so that an updated baptismal registration form may be completed and a baptism date scheduled.
Godparents -We wish to share with you what the Church, in the Code of Canon Law [Latin abbr. = CIC], asks of Godparents (Sponsors):
The Godparent, “ (CIC 872);
“There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each” (CIC 873).
“To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor a person must: have completed the sixteenth year of age; be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on; not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized” (CIC 874 § 1). —E.g., if a Godparent is married, s/he should be married in the Catholic Church.
A non-Catholic Baptized Christian may participate only “together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism” (CIC 874 § 2). — This is an official distinction; the family, of course, may refer to that Christian witness as Godmother/father. This witness is to be living a Christian life, of course!
For baptisms of persons from other parishes, the permission of the proper pastor is required.
If you should have any other questions, please contact Fr. Timothy Friedrichsen, pastor @ (712) 673-2351