All women are invited to join in Blessed Conversations, a study about the joyful mysteries of the rosary. The study will take place May 23 and 30 from 7-8 pm at St. Lawrence Collison Hall. Study materials cost $8 and must be purchased in advance. Please RSVP to Carly Meixner by email at
[email protected] or by text/call at 712-357-5406 to obtain your materials!
All 6th and 7th grade girls are invited to join a Bible study on Thursday nights from 7-8! This week, May 17, we will be reading Luke 1:26-38 in the St. Lawrence Family Room. No RSVP is required, but if you have any questions, please contact Carly Meixner.
There will be no CCYM event on Sunday, May 20 due to Kuemper High School's graduation. Congratulations, Kuemper graduates!