FROM THE PRIESTS: We Frs. Tims would like our parishes to honor our High School Graduates at each and every CTKCC parish on the weekend of July 25-26. To help us plan for that, we ask that graduates and/or parents provide us with these things as soon as possible (email one or both of us): • How many family members, living within the same home, will attend (include the graduate in the number)? We will reserve pews for each family. • Graduates, please provide a brief bio (50-75 words). You might include parents’ names, HS accomplishments, future plans, etc. (Whichever Fr. Tim is presiding will read those after the final prayer, but before the final blessing, dismissal and “communion service”.) • If one or more of the graduates is/are already a regular reader/lector, please let us know if you are willing to do that ministry at your “Baccalaureate Mass”. • You may wear your graduation gown if you still have it, otherwise, just dress nicely as you would for Mass. Mortarboards are specific to the graduation ceremony, and thus are not appropriate wear for the Mass. • We are sorry if this weekend does not work for you. We would still like to honor you in absentia by reading your bio for the people gathered.