We are quickly approaching the month of October and Respect Life Month. This is an important time for each of us to renew our commitment to protect and defend all human life, from conception until natural death.
One of the ways we want to honor and celebrate life is by offering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to those who are in poor health or who are elderly. Throughout the month of October the following
anointing Masses will be celebrated for anyone who is in need of receiving this sacrament:
At Kuemper School Masses:
Tuesday, October 10, St. Lawrence, 8:25am
Wednesday, October 11, Holy Spirit, 8:25am
At assisted living/nursing home facilities:
Wednesday, October 4, 9:30am, Orchard View
Wednesday, October 4, 10:30am, Hawkeye
Friday, October 6, 10:30am, Sunnybrook
Tuesday, October 10, 10:00am, Regency
Friday, October 13, 10:30am, Swan Place
Thursday, October 19, 9:30am, St. Anthony
If someone you know is unable to attend one of these Masses but would like to be anointed, please call any of the priests on the team to arrange a time and place for one of us to celebrate the sacrament with you.
Fr. Kevin Richter