November 1 – Feast of All Saints: We remind everyone that this is a holy day of obligation. Every Catholic is expected to attend Mass on this day. Here is a schedule of the available Mass times throughout the clustered parishes of the county:
Tuesday, October 31 (Vigil Mass) 5:00pm Holy Angels, Roselle
5:30pm Annunciation, Coon Rapids
5:30pm Holy Spirit, Carroll
6:30pm Sacred Heart, Templeton
6:30pm St. Mary, Willey
7:00pm St. Bernard, Breda
Wednesday, November 1 7:00am St. Lawrence, Carroll
8:00am St. John, Arcadia
8:00am Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mt. Carmel
8:00am St. Elizabeth, Glidden
8:00am Holy Family, Lidderdale
8:00am St. Augustine, Halbur
8:25am St. Lawrence, Carroll
8:25am Holy Spirit, Carroll
5:30pm St. Lawrence, Carroll
5:30pm St. Joseph, Dedham
Carroll County Youth Ministry (CCYM): Please note the information in this bulletin about two opportunities to attend a town hall meeting to help “vision” the future for youth ministry and young adult faith formation for our cluster of parishes. We invite parents, youth, young adults, and any parishioners to come and share ideas, hopes and dreams for this ministry. Be a part of the ground floor efforts to establish and strengthen this ministry for our cluster of parishes!