Tuesday, Jan 9
Grades 6-8 Liturgy at St. Lawrence Church – 8:25 am
Grades 9-12 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:25 am
Finance Committee Meeting – 12:00 noon
Wednesday, Jan 10
Grades K-5 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:25 am
PS-8 Parent Club Meeting in HSC Library – 6:30 pm
Thursday, Jan 11
Friday, Jan 12
Saturday, Jan 13
Kuemper News "As the new year begins, planning ahead is part of effective stewardship. Plan your Will now - and include a bequest to your Parish and the Kuemper Catholic School Foundation."
A formal one campus study will analyze the pros and cons of moving grades six, seven and eight from the St. Lawrence Center to the high school building. Conversations of such a study began in 2008, and meetings began in 2013. The committee of 18 people is facilitated by Jim Verlengia of Heartland AEA and has six subcommittees: Academics, Community Morale/Parish Impact, Facilities, Faith Development, Finances, and School Culture. Committee members are: Julie Mayhall-Chairman, John Steffes, Pete Haefs, Ted Garringer, Kathi Milligan, Fr. Kevin Richter, Chad Klein, Kathy Stipe, Nick Wittrock, Susie Hulst, Kris Collison, Bob Muhlbauer, Mike Christensen, Alex Schleisman, Matt Greteman, Lisa Rial, Brad Nichols, and Mike Sibbel. A public Town Hall meeting will be on Feb 8 – ALL are invited. This will report & seek feedback on the school’s overall long range plan including the one campus study. A formal presentation to the school board will be in May or June.
Kuemper Ball News The Friends of Kuemper Ball will host The Black Donnelly's on Saturday, January 20th. Grab a friend and join us at the Dedham American Legion. A legendary Las Vegas band, craft beers, wine, and food; you don't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! Tickets: $500 VIP Table of 8, limit 10 tables; or $50/ticket in advance, $60/ticket at the door. Tickets are available at
www.kuemper.org or by calling Alayna at
Kuemper Ball Vehicle & Ag Raffle 2018 Picture yourself in a shiny new 2018 vehicle or implement! Together with Wittrock Motors, Team Auto, Motor Inn, Macke Motors, Champion Ford and Adams Motors we are offering the chance to win a $20,000 voucher for a vehicle from any of these dealers. Also, Haley Equipment, Olsen’s Outdoor Power, and Van Wall Implement are offering the chance to win a $10,000 voucher for an implement from any of these dealers. Tickets are $100 for Vehicle Tickets and $50 for Ag Tickets. Please contact Alayna at Kuemper 712.792.2212 or purchase your ticket online at
Open Positions Kuemper has the following openings:
Substitute Bus Drivers. If interested contact Katie Riesberg at 792-3596 or [email protected].
Middle School Boys Track and Field Coach If interested contact Ryan Isgrig at [email protected]