Monday, October 15
- 2-hr Early Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Conferences run from 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
- KHS Alumni Phon-a-Thon
Tuesday, October 16
- Grades 6-8 Living Rosary at St. Lawrence Church – 8:20 a.m.
- Board of Education meeting at the Bishop Greteman Center – 4:00 p.m.
- KHS Alumni Phon-a-Thon
Wednesday, October 17
- Grades 9-12 Adoration at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
- Grade 6 Field Trip to Living History Farms
- PS-8 Parent Club Meeting in Holy Spirit Center Library – 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 18
- Grades K-5 Living Rosary at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
- 2-hr Early Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Conferences run from 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Friday, October 19
- No School
Saturday, October 20
- Iowa High School Music Assoc. All-State Music Festival Auditions at Atlantic
Sunday, October 21
- 22
nd Annual Bishop’s Dinner for Catholic Schools in Sioux City – 5:00 p.m.
Service Day Kuemper is once again sponsoring a Service Day on the afternoon of October 30th, 2018. Our students are members of your parish and would like to give back to their own parish. Last year students did yard work around churches, clean parish halls or vacuum and dust the Sanctuary. They are also available to help elderly parishioners with small jobs that may need to be done around the house. Jobs students may be able to complete are: Yard Work (NO GUTTER CLEANING); Installing Storm Windows/ Plastic on the windows; Small painting jobs (Materials must be provided by the parish); Cleaning (Dusting and vacuuming); Cleaning of vehicles (Material provided by parishioner); Moving things around; Bring in lawn furniture; Any other odds and end you may need! **Students cannot use ladders** Please e-mail your requests to [email protected] or you can call Kuemper at 712-792-3596 extension 228.
Kuemper is seeking host families for foreign exchange students. Enrolling foreign exchange students not only provides an opportunity for the exchange student, but also offers an enriching experience for Kuemper students, families, and the entire school. More information on what being a host family entails can be found at Click “Become a Host.” A monetary stipend for host families is provided by Nacel Open Door. You can also contact Susie Hulst, Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management, if interested at 712-792-3313 or
[email protected].
Smarter Giving Are you 70 ½ and required to take a Required Minimum Distribution from an IRA? If so, there are many tax advantages to giving directly to a charity like your parish or the Kuemper Foundation. Contact your advisor today.
Job Openings Bus Drivers: part-time and/or substitute drivers needed. Call Katie Riesberg at 792-3596.
Part-time Athletic Trainer for home games. Contact Ryan Isgrig 792-3596.
KuemperCares is seeking energetic and motivated Afterschool Program Leaders to implement high quality programs and activities for school aged youth. Applicants should be passionate about youth work and invested in guiding, teaching, and mentoring kids between the grade levels of Pre-K thru 5th. This position follows the school calendar, summer employment opportunities are available. Must be 16 to apply. Contact Stephannie Isgrig
[email protected]
Below announcement from St. Bernard Parish in Breda. Please include in your bulletins:
DAD'S BELGIAN WAFFLE BREAKFAST with all you can eat 9" Belgian waffles, sausage, drinks; with bake sale is being hosted by St. Bernard Parish in Breda on Sunday, November 4, serving from 8:00am to Noon in the former St. Bernard High School gym. Tickets: $8/person, children 5 & under free; take-outs available. Your support is appreciated.