LENDING LIBRARY will be available at St. Bernard beginning Tuesday July 25 after the showing of
Saints and Heroes: The Day the Sun Danced-The True Story of Fatima in the St. Bernard Gym thank you to a generous donor. The library will feature books and videos suitable for the whole family and children. DVD titles include:
Heaven is for Real,
Miracles from Heaven,
Saints and Heroes video series including “The Day the Sun Danced-The True Story of Fatima,” “Francis-The Knight of Assisi”, “The Princess of Lourdes”, “Patrick-Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle”, and “Nicholas-The Boy Who Became Santa”. Books and more videos will be added later. This library will be placed in the east entrance of the St. Bernard Church with a sign out book. Families are encouraged to sign out one video or book per week and return it the following week. If you have any videos or books you’d like to donate, contact the parish office.