Because parish funeral receptions in Breda are held at the Legion Hall, the former St. Bernard school building in Breda is rarely utilized other than a small percentage of space for the parish office, and sporadic rentals for family events or sports teams. The second floor is not available for rental, nor is it currently heated. On top of monthly operating expenses, along with yearly insurance premiums, the building is now in need of a new roof at a substantial cost. We feel the building is still a good structure and could potentially benefit the community in another capacity, while reducing our financial burden. Therefore, the parish is open to speaking with developers or investors who have an interest in repurposing the building to better serve the community. This is just an exploratory phase right now to see if an alternative use is feasible, and no formal timeline is set for making any decisions. If you have interest in touring the building, contact Becky Vonnahme at 712-210-4974.