Recently, Pope Francis encouraged all of us “to engage in constructive forms of communication that reject prejudice towards others and foster a culture of encounter”
(World Communications Day Message, 2017). Of course, this is the Church’s mission, and therefore, part of the vocation of every baptized disciple. We each do this, for good or ill, by our behavior each day, and at our best, we present the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by being kind, generous, supportive, and inviting to all those we meet. But we can also promote Christ’s mission together, and one way to do that is through this Catholic Communications Campaign.
This collection, held in our Diocese at all Masses for the Solemnity of Holy Trinity Sunday, May 27, helps bring the Gospel message to the public square so that all can know the love of God. With your support of the CCC, a radio station in the Democratic Republic of Congo is being established to share the Gospel with those living in the North Kivu province, on the far eastern border of the country. This radio station will provide people with quality, faith-filled programming to encourage spiritual growth and evangelization. Programming will include recitation of the Rosary, praying the Liturgy of the Hours, Mass, catechetical programs, and Catholic news. Parishes, schools, diocesan offices, universities, and even family homes will be involved in the preparation and broadcasting, making the radio a virtual meeting place where many people will share their faith and life experiences. It is through your generosity that this project, and others like it, can spread the Gospel around the world.
These efforts would not be possible without your support! Your contributions to the CCC collection continue the work of communicating the Gospel at home and around the world.
In addition, 50% of all funds collected remain here in our own diocese to support our local communication and evangelization efforts, especially in Catholic radio and my own
“Meditations in a Minute” podcasts.
Please support this campaign with your prayers and devotion, and please prayerfully consider making a donation to this important collection. Your gift means that people in our
diocese, our country, and our world will better know the love of God and the Church.