FROM THE PASTOR: All too soon, we will be bidding Fr. Pick farewell and wishing him all the best in his new assignment—his first pastorate at St. Mary Church (& School), Remsen and Holy Name Church, Marcus. There will be two farewells for Fr. Pick: St. Elizabeth Seton, Glidden, will have a farewell for him after the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday, June 26—thank you to those planning this; There will be a joint farewell for him at St. John the Baptist, Arcadia after the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, June 27—thank you to guild members and others in our five western parishes who are planning this luncheon event. I hope many of you will be able to attend one of the farewells. If not, please do let Fr. Pick know of your appreciation and wishes for him. I am going to miss Fr. Pick very much. We have prayed together, shared ministry, dined together, and especially came to know each other throughout these two years. “Harboring in place” during the pandemic also gave us time to know each other quite well—and we still get along! I have great gratitude for having had this time together and for the wonderful brother priest that Fr. Pick is. May God richly bless him in his new assignment!