HOLY LAND OLIVE ARTwill be selling their artwork June 29 and 30 after Masses in Templeton, Mount Carmel, and Breda. Please see the calendar on page one for locations. This artwork is created by Catholic families in the Holy Land using wood from the Olive tree, an ancient symbol of Peace, wisdom, glory, power and pureness. The olive tree and olives are mentioned over 30 times in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments. Many olive trees are said to be several centuries old. Darker wood from these olive trees is said to be from the time of Christ. Generation after generation, families have taught their children to carve religious figures from Olive wood by hand. For two centuries Catholics have been able to support their families by selling these unique carvings to pilgrims who visit. Today fewer and fewer pilgrims visit due to the bloody military conflicts. The Archbishop of Jerusalem has blessed the mission of selling hand carved olive wood items to Catholics worldwide. Sakar Salman will be visiting Templeton, Mount Carmel, and Breda this weekend and Glidden, Halbur, and Arcadia August 24-25. Thank you for support of Catholic families and their presence in the Holy Land.