Wednesday, December 5
- Grades 6-8 Liturgy at St. Lawrence Church – 8:20 a.m.
- Grades 9-12 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
- 90 Minute Early Dismissal – Professional Development
- Kuemper Foundation Board Meeting - 5:00 p.m.
-.KHS Parents Club Meeting in KHS Library – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 6
- Grades K-5 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
- St. Lawrence Chorus sings at Sunnybrook - 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 8
- Kuemper Faculty & Staff Christmas Party
Any new family that tours Kuemper before Christmas break will receive a $50 gift card to a local or national store of choice! Please tell any family that may be interested! Contact Susie Hulst to set up a tour or for more information! [email protected] or 712-792-3313.
Smarter Giving A Charitable Gift Annuity can pay you a higher rate of return, in most cases, than a bank CD. Annuity rates increased in July, 2018. Please call Sharon Olerich in the Kuemper Foundation for a free illustration - (712) 794-1877.
Sponsor-a-student Would you consider giving an exceptional gift to a Kuemper student during this holiday season? You can make a donation to the Fr. Kuemper Society. By making a gift to this fund, you will be helping a deserving student attend our Kuemper Catholic Schools. You
will be helping a student whose parents have gone through all the proper applications for
a tuition grant. Last year, over 643 children at Kuemper received a tuition grant - 60%
of all Kuemper students. Without tuition grants, these families probably would not be
able to have their children in a Catholic school. Feel free to drop your gift in the collection basket – mark “Sponsor-A-Student” or Mail to: Sponsor-A-Student, Kuemper Foundation, 116 S. East St., Carroll, IA 51401
By supporting our Kuemper Catholic Schools, and by helping more students attend
Kuemper through the Fr. Kuemper Society, you are participating in the educational
mission of our parish. Please consider making a gift to this year’s Sponsor-A-Student. It
is important! Your gift could make all the difference in the life of a young Christian!
Job Openings KuemperCares child care is seeking a Full Time Site Supervisor. Monday thru Friday 9:30am-6:00pm. 12 Month Position. Extended holiday breaks and full benefits package. 3 year experience in childcare required. Please contact Stephannie Isgrig with questions and to apply. [email protected]
Bus Drivers: part-time and/or substitute drivers needed. Call Katie Riesberg at 792-3596.
Part-time Athletic Trainer for home games. Coaching Openings: Middle School Girls Basketball Coach. Contact Ryan Isgrig 792-3596.