Monday, March 26
- High School State Mock Trial in Des Moines (March 26-28)
- Iowa High School Speech Association All State Individual Speech Events Festival at University of Northern Iowa
Wednesday, March 28
- Then Feed Just One Packing Day
Thursday, March 29
- Two hour early dismissal – Holy Thursday
Friday, March 30
- No School –Good Friday
Then Feed Just One Kuemper’s packaging date for Then Feed Just One is Wedneseday, March 28. Because of events like this we are able to provide a meal for only $0.16 for people in desperate need. Most live on less than $1 per day. You can simply provide financial support of this worthy cause, or you can sponsor a table and work it for $300 (10 people are assigned to each table) and provide 1,880 meals in just 90 minutes!
Job Available –
Health Aide. Join a fun and caring school environment. Assist the school nurse with routine tasks; 25 hrs/week beginning in Aug. Long holiday breaks, summers & snow days off. Contact John Steffes at Kuemper or apply at
One Campus Study Update-the committee of 18 people continue to meet regarding a data-driven study to analyze the moving of 6th, 7th and 8th grades to the high school building. A report to the school board is due May 15 and will be outlined in 6 areas: Academics, Community/Parish Impact, Facilities, Finance, School Culture and Student Faith Development. The board will look at all six areas, not just one. A Town Hall meeting was held on March 8 for the public to share opportunities and questions about the ongoing study. Information continues to be gathered for the May 15 report. Contact Chairperson, Julie Mayhall at 792-2200; or AEA consultant, Jim Verlengia at
1-800-362-2720, ext.14388, or John Steffes at Kuemper with questions.
“When was your last check-up? How about for your Will? Remember your Parish and Kuemper Foundation.”