Monday, March 9 -Two hour early out/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, March 10
Wednesday, March 11-Grades 4-6 Liturgy at St. Lawrence Church – 8:20 a.m.
-Grades 7-12 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
-PK-8 Parent Club Meeting - 6:30 pm
-Grades 7-12 Spring Choral Concert - 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 12 -Grades K-3 Liturgy at Holy Spirit Church – 8:20 a.m.
-Two hour early out/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 13 - No School
Saturday, March 14 - State Speech Contest
Sunday, March 15 @ 1:00 pm – Confirmation – Holy Spirit Church
When was the last time your Will had a check-up? Does it include a gift for the furtherance of the Gospel? Please remember your parish and the Kuemper Foundation.
Job Openings:
Full-time custodial position w/benefits. Also part-time opening. Apply at any Kuemper office or on-line at or call John Steffes 792-3313.
Area Parish Fish Frys:
Friday, March 13 - St. Joseph Parish Fish Fry, Dedham American Legion Hall, serving 5:00 – 8:00 pm., fish, potatoes, coleslaw, bun & dessert. Adults/$10.00, 6-12 years/$5.00, 5 and under free.
Friday, March 20 - St. John’s Parish Fish Fry, Arcadia Legion Hall, 5-7:30 pm. Serving fish, Garlic mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, green beans, salads, and homemade desserts. Adults/$10, 5-10 years $6.50.