Tuesday, April 11
Mission Honduras T-Shirt Day for KCSS
Wednesday, April 12
Grades K-5 Mass at Holy Spirit Church - 8:15 am
Pre-8 Parent's Club Meeting in Library - 6:30 pm
Opera Iowa at KCSS - All Day
Opera Iowa FREE Performance of
The Barber of Seville at St. Lawrence Gym (7:00 pm)
Thursday, April 13 – Holy Thursday
Grades 6-8 Stations of the Cross at St. Lawrence Church - 8:20 am
Grades K-5 Stations of the Cross at Holy Spirit Gym – 8:30 am
Grades 9-12 Stations of the Cross at Holy Spirit Church – 10:20 am
2-hour early dismissal – Easter Break
Friday, April 14
Good Friday – No School
Saturday, April 15
Holy Saturday
Immediate Job Openings: Full Time Custodian (3 pm – midnight shift)
Part Time Food Service Kitchen Workers. Enjoy a friendly atmosphere working with great kids.
Apply on-line at
www.kuemper.org or call John Steffes at 792-3313.
Ribbon Cutting & Open House - NEW Kuemper Fieldhouse Monday, April 24
th - Sneak peek for donors from Noon-1:00 pm and open house for the community from 5:00-6:00 pm.
Kuemper Ball-May 6th Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2017 Kuemper Ball. Donation envelopes are available in the back of church. You are also able to donate online at
www.kuemper.org (Kuemper Ball 2017). Please return your donation to Kuemper. Thank you for supporting our mission of providing a Christ-centered environment where students grow spiritually, academically, and socially, becoming responsible citizens of the world. Please call Alayna at 792-2212 with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the Carrollton on May 6
th for a “Knight on the Red Carpet.”