Thursday, Aug 10 Des Moines Area Kuemper and St. Angela Alumni Annual Reunion Please join the DM Area Kuemper and St. Angela alumni for our annual reunion at the Iowa Taproom. All Kuemper alumni and friends are invited to attend. Call Alayna at Kuemper (792-3313) for more info.
Friday, Aug 11
Saturday, Aug 12
Kuemper Ball Golf Outing: A Knight at the Club - Kuemper's 4 Person Best Ball Tournament will be August 18th at the Carroll Country Club. Team slots and sponsorship opportunities still available. Prizes on every hole. Not a golfer? Please join us for dinner from 5-8pm. Dinner tickets can be purchased for $25 each. Call 712-792-2212 to reserve your spot today. Proceeds to benefit the 2018 Friends of Kuemper Ball.
Open Positions: Kuemper has the following positions available for the 2017-2018 school year: Part-time nurse (flexible hours) & various coaching positions. If interested, please contact John Steffes at 792-3313 or
[email protected].
Kuemper Busing for 2017-2018 school year: Families who ride Kuemper's private bus on either the North Route (Lake View area, Auburn, Lake City, Glidden) or West Route (Denison, Vail, Westside, Arcadia) must fill out and return the registration form to Kuemper. Bus forms can be mailed to or dropped off at Kuemper at 116 S. East Street, Carroll, between 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday through Thursday or from 8:00 am-1:00 pm on Friday. Forms can also be emailed to
[email protected].