Last week a Franciscan Common Venture team of four gave service at the Madonna Renewal Center in Freeport, IL, run by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary from Nigeria. Pat Vogl, from Arcadia, was one of these volunteers. The center opened its’ doors in 2018 after renovating much of an old abandoned school. It offers programs and services to empower pregnant women (and those with newborns) through a structured curriculum that nurtures personal worth and love for children. Among the many tasks accomplished by the volunteers were cleaning, organizing storage closets as well as lots of yard work. The “Blue Nuns” (as they are referred to) were amazed with what these strong women were able to accomplish in their short stay. As renovations continue, the Madonna Renewal Center appreciates greatly-needed donations and is always looking for volunteers to clean, paint, work outside around the Grotto and on surrounding grounds, as well as those willing to share their carpenter skills. Anyone wishing to be a part of a “volunteer team”, feel free to contact Pat at 712-689-2375 and she can fill you in on more of the specifics!